Updated 01/01/09

In 1972 the Gulf Mobile and Ohio Railroad became a fallen flag after merging with Illinois Central. In Warrensburg, Missouri, however the calendar is frozen in the 1960's! Maroon and red covered wagons, black and white hood units, and red and white Geeps, ply their way from Chicago to St. Louis on the territory known as "The Alton Route." Prototype operation is the backbone of the railroad and we welcome guest operators or gandy-dancers at any time!

The Ladies and Gentlemen of the GM&O

Our Junior Operators!!!


Tour the GM&OTake of tour of the GM&O Eastern Division through individual town pages with photos and other information from both the prototype and the model!                 (Updated 3/8/08)

Railfan Videos Here are videos of a recent railfan trip on the GM&O. The filmer spent time on U.S. Route 66 between Lincoln and Springfield for several hours catching several freight trains plying up and down the Alton Route!

Discussions Another new feature of our website thanks to our new website hosting service! Four Discussion Forums on GM&O and other associated things! Check it out... Registration required to post to the forums....

Live Steam! We are also getting involved in Live Steam! This link will take you to a page of photos taken primarily on Gail Gish's Rio Grande Scenic Railroad in Pleasant Hill, Missouri! Each year on New Year's Day the gang gathers for an annual Polar Bear Run. ENJOY!

The Re-Design The GM&O renovation project is complete! All the revisions were completed in time for the ProTrak Weekend and we are currently building northward from Joliet to Brighton Park (already in place)!!! To find out more, click the Re-Design button!

Spring OTYD We will host our twice-a-year "Op-til-ya-drop" on Saturday, March 29, 2008 from 8:30 a.m. - ???? p.m. Click on the button for more information and how to sign up!

Favorite Web Sites 

Please mention the GM&O Eastern Division when contacting these sites!

Photo Album  on Webshots.com                                                   Here are photos of the railroad (old and new!), recent sessions, and related pictures.





This site was last updated 01/01/09